Saturday, December 15, 2018


        My friend Laura Tasheiko called me a couple of days ago to come join her for a bonfire in her yard.  She had several piles of brush and the day was mild with little wind.  Off we went.  Maddie was so happy to have a playmate, and she and Chance ran together, exploring the woods, for a good hour, until Chance decided he just wanted to hang out with the humans--and Maddie decided to go exploring by herself. 
Maddie and Chance had a great time running and playing...

After a while, their interests varied.
        Laura and I dragged fodder for the fire from the brush piles (she did a lot more than I did), and I found some very dry sticks that I snapped up (literally) for kindling.  I had to fight Maddie for them, though, because she loves to play with sticks and kept running off with them.  Worse, Chance decided he wanted to check out the new play toy.  No!  I do not need a dog that gets splinters in his mouth!

Chance guarded the bonfire...but at a distance.

Once dry leaves or fir needles caught fire, the flames became quickly spectacular.
           Laura’s friend Leslie and her friend Martin came over a while later, and then we all got involved.  By the time I left around a quarter to four, there were two bonfires and a good chunk of the brush piles had been consumed.  Our inner pyromaniacs had been well satisfied.

At first Martin helped feed the first bonfire...

...but eventually he and Laura started another, all the quicker to get the brush burnt.

And we kept adding to the original.